511 Information Technology Assignment Answers
Most businesses and institutions provide Wi-Fi and internet access to employees and students while they are at work or at school. While the intention is for the Internet to be used for work-related purposes, employees or students often find it easy to become distracted with other activities on the Internet, such as social media, checking personal email, or visiting unauthorized websites for entertainment.
These activities can degrade Internet access for others or lead to poor performance, as well as expose the company or institutions to malware viruses or other risks. Many businesses and institutions create an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) that outlines how employees or students should use the Internet at work or at campuses. It also may outline consequences for unauthorized Internet use.
You are required to:
3.1 Locate two AUPs, one from the internet (published online) and the second one should be for your institution (Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology).
Compare the two policies and then create a policy you believe would be fair to you as a student of RGI. Include guidelines for Internet use during school hours, breaks, use of smartphones, and restrictions for using social media and unauthorized websites.
Compile your findings in a report format.
NB: You are required to answer the following two questions. Each question will carry equal certain marks and your answer for each question should be around 50 - 100 words minimum:
- What is deadlock? What is starvation? How do they differ from each other? (12)
- Describe (4) FOUR general strategies for dealing with deadlocks. (20)
- What are the (4) FOUR conditions required for deadlocks to occur? (08)
Green computing is the use of new technologies to reduce the amount of energy used by computers and to make it more efficient. The energy star program, which was created by the United States, is the best known example of computing. Green computing researches new ways to provide energy and also ways to improve existing technologies to become more energy efficient. They are researching the use of solar power, wind power, water power, sugar, chemicals and nanotechnology in an attempt to find better energy sources so that we reduce the amount of resources used and pollutants released when we use computers and other electronic devices.
Green computing also looks for ways to reduce the resources that are used in the process of making computers and other devices. They can do this through recycling old systems and using the materials to make newer more efficient computers and by recycling paper and reducing paper to use to prevent wasting resources while the computer can do all that.
1. Using practical examples, describe green computing. List and explain the steps that you can take to contribute to green computing. (10)
2. Is video conferencing really a viable green alternative to travel for most companies? Give reasons for your answer. (10)
3. How big of a role do green issues such as energy efficiency, carbon footprint, garbage, waste, water, space and transit play in the value proposition that you pitch to prospective customers when they are looking at upgrading their data centre?
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