Aboriginal Studies Research Paper Writing

Question 2

–Education (10 marks)

(a)Describe ONE community-based initiative that has addressed educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia.5 marks.


(b)Discuss the similarities and differences in education issues affecting Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples.In your response, refer to both an Australian Aboriginal community and an international Indigenous community. 5 marks Write approximately 300-400 words for each answer

Note: You should present information relating to a specific Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community in your answer to Question 2 (b). For example, you could refer to the Utopia homeland, the Yolngu/Yirrkala communities or any other Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community. For the international Indigenous community, you could present information relating to an Algonquin community or communities in Quebec and Ontario, Canada. Section II Global Perspective and Comparative Study 10 marks Your answers will be assessed on how well you:

•demonstrate knowledge and understanding relevant to the question

•communicate using relevant concepts and terms

•present a sustained, logical, and cohesive response

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Question 3 (10 marks)

How effective have government initiatives been in addressing social justice and human rights issues for Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples? In your answer, refer to both an Australian Aboriginal community and an international Indigenous community and TWO of the following topics:




•Criminal justice

•Economic independence

Write approximately 400-600 words. Note: You should present information relating to a specific Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community in your answer to Question 3. For example, you could refer to the Utopia homeland, the Yolngu/Yirrkala communities or any other Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community. For the international indigenous community, you could present information relating to an Algonquin community or communities in Quebec and Ontario, Canada

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