Assessment 2 Power Point Presentation CHCYTH002

Small groups will be allocated for this assessment.

You are required as a group to prepare and present a 10 to 15-minute PowerPoint presentation to the class that addresses the 4 points below. Each group will be required to submit one hard copy on the due day to your teacher. Please ensure all teammate's names are on the PowerPoint.

  1. Research and provide a brief overview of two (2) local youth services
    • Macarthur youth services network
    • Camden Youth Network

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  • Their target group
  • Hours of operation and contact details
  • Who they exclude and why?
  • How many staff do they employ?
  • Name two of the job titles that youth workers are employed
  • Identify a model of practice that the service uses in their work with young people
  • How are the organizations funded?
  1. Identify and briefly describe the type of support services and programs available to young people.
  2. Describe the interventions they use if a young person is assessed as being at risk of significant harm. (ROSH)

How do the youth workers demonstrate respect for cultural diversity?

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