BSBLDR511 Develop And Use Emotional Intelligence Assignment

Assessment 1 : Written Questions

Assessment 2: Project 1 Identify the impact of own emotions on others in the workplace

Assessment 3 : Case Studies Recognise and respond to the emotional states of others

Assessment 4 : Project 2 Use emotional intelligence of self and others to enhance team performance


This document represents the main assessment instrument for the unit of competency BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence

Unit description

This unit covers the development and use of emotional intelligence to increase self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management in the context of the workplace. It includes identifying the impact of own emotions on others in the workplace, recognizing and appreciating the emotional strengths and weaknesses of others, promoting the development of emotional intelligence in others and utilizing emotional intelligence to maximize team outcomes. It applies to managers who are required to identify, analyze, synthesize and act on information from a range of sources and who deal with unpredictable problems as part of their job role. They use initiative and judgment to organize the work of self and others and plan, evaluate, and co-ordinate the work of teams. No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

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Key competencies

1. Identify the impact of your own emotions on others in the workplace

2. Recognise and address the emotional strengths and weaknesses of others

3. Promote the development of emotional intelligence in others

4.Utilise emotional intelligence to maximise team outcomes


Briefly explain three strategies a leader would use while applying emotional intelligence in the workplace (no more than 150 words).

Briefly describe how emotionally effective people help an organisation attain its business objectives. Your response should be no longer than 150 words.

Describe two ways in which emotional intelligence can help a business in each of the following areas:

•Employee recruitment and retention

•Teamwork and collaboration

•Sales gains

List any five strategies for communicating with a diverse workforce that has different ways of expressing emotions.

List and briefly describe (in no more than 20 words) any five key competencies of emotional intelligence in the context of building workplace relationships according to Daniel Goleman.

Assessment 2 – Project 1 – Identify the impact of own emotions on others in the workplace

There are two parts to this assessment task. You must identify your own emotional strengths and weaknesses, reflect on actual workplace behaviour and use self-reflection and others’ feedback to improve emotional intelligence.

This is a simulated activity, and you are to assume you are working in an organization with colleagues. Your classmates will provide feedback to you as your colleagues.


1.Use an appropriate online self-assessment tool to identify your own emotional strengths and weaknesses. You may find suitable tools on the following websites:


You must keep the evidence of completing the test, for example, completed worksheet or screenshots of completed questionnaires to submit with your reflective report, as evidence.

2.Use the Peer Feedback Form in Appendix A to get feedback from two of your colleagues/classmates/ friends.

You will need to provide a copy of this form to each of your colleagues/classmates/ friends and collect feedback from them.

You may make copies of each feedback form for yourself, as you will be required to submit all forms to your assessor as part of this assessment.

Part B

You must prepare a reflective report on your analysis of your own emotional intelligence.Prior to completing the report, make notes on each of the following topics, in the space provided. You will use these notes to prepare your reflective report. You may use keywords and dot points in the tables to jot down your ideas.

1. ) Identify at least three situations when you have felt stressed or experienced a negative emotional state at work. If you do not have experience in the workplace, you can provide examples from your experience in class or at home For each instance, consider the precise context, causes and your response at the time and how you think should have responded.

2. ) Identify at least two causes or triggers of your own personal emotional states at work. If you don’t work or don’t have past work experience, use examples from your place of study or family. Identify how you can use awareness of such triggers to control your responses and achieve positive outcomes, especially with respect to your impact on others or co-worker/ colleagues and their work performance.

3.) Identify at least one example of how you model workplace behaviour that demonstrates management of emotions as an example for others to follow. If you don’t work, you will need to imagine how you would model workplace behaviour if you were employed.

4.Now, prepare a reflective report of no more than 500 words, based on your notes above, and the self-assessment and peer feedback from Part A. In your report, you must reflect on personal attributes, consideration of the impact on others and modification of your approach to support your development.

Specifically, you must:

•summarise your emotional strengths and weaknesses, stressors, emotional states and triggers

•describe the impact of your own emotions on others by analysing feedback from your colleagues

•summarise how you behaved in stressful situations, and how you think you should have behaved

•summarise how you are modeling behaviours that demonstrate management of emotions in the workplace

•identify the insights you have gathered from the self-assessment and peer evaluations (feedback) in Part A and describe three actions you will take to improve your own emotional intelligence based on these insights

•reflect on the benefit of these actions for the workplace and colleagues You must base your reflection and proposed actions on emotional intelligence principles and strategies.

Assessment 3 Case Studies Recognise and respond to the emotional states of others


Apex Work Skills Pty. Ltd. (AWS) is a private Registered Training Organisation, with a student enrolment of 2000 and approximately 50 training staff employed on sessional or full time basis.

The RTO has about 30 administration staff. The RTO has campuses in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth. Each campus has a Campus Manager and an Academic Coordinator and Marketing Coordinator.

The RTO’s head office is in Sydney. Traditionally AWS has delivered nationally recognised training courses in construction and business management.

The CEO of AWS wants the RTO to be known as the best in the country. Recently she has invested over a million dollars in building state of the art facilities, such as new classrooms, workshops, tools and equipment.

Vision Statement

The RTO’s vision is to strive to

:•be a learning organization that is skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge for the benefit of the individual, businesses and the community

•lead the industry in training excellence

•be known for excellence in customer/student service

•provide innovative and high-quality training services to raise the standard of training in business management and trade skills training


The RTO will apply the creative talents of our people to deliver training of a high standard that transforms individuals, businesses and the community.

Our Values

•Trust and respect for everyone

•Personal growth and leadership

•Teamwork with students, employees and other stakeholders

•Ethical and honest behavior in safety, environment, health, and business

The RTO will recruit and retain talented training and assessment staff as well as other administration and student services staff.

AWS has committed substantial funding towards

:•the professional development of its trainers.

•build market share by focusing on the student experience

•control direct and indirect costs through efficient internal processes

•establish the reputation of AWS as a socially and environmentally responsible company.

To implement strategic directions and advance AWS’ values, managers are expected to lead employees by, first of all, modeling positive behaviors and attributes those they expect their employees to emulate and embody in turn. To lead and inspire people, managers must demonstrate keen emotional awareness and promote positive team-building behaviors in others.

You are the new Campus Manager of AWS in Melbourne, and you are ready for a challenge. You are directly responsible for managing all the staff on the campus, including the Marketing and Academic Coordinators. You report to the General Manager, who is responsible for all campuses.


Answer the following questions based on the scenario above. Assume that you are the new Campus Manager for this task.

Case Study 1 The Marketing Coordinator’s Outburst It is the end of the financial year and sales revenue for AWS Melbourne shows it has not met the set targets. This could be due to increased competition from smaller competitor RTOs.

This morning, the Marketing Coordinator of the Melbourne Campus held a staff meeting in which she shouted at the top of her voice at all the marketing officers and blamed them for the poor performance of the campus.

The staff, including the academic staff, was confused as they thought that increasing the revenue with marketing and business development activities for AWS was the responsibility of the head office.

However, they could not interrupt her to give any explanation, as she began to bang on the desk and told the officers to come up with ideas to improve revenue for the next quarter, before the end of the day. The Marketing Coordinator then walked out of the meeting in anger.

Naturally, the atmosphere around the campus and in the team is subdued, and one of the two officers is upset and is talking about leaving the organization.

Read the scenario and the case study and answer the questions given below:

a.Describe two possible reasons for the Marketing Coordinator’s behavior in the team meeting.

b.Briefly describe the connection between the Marketing Coordinator’s behavior and staff morale. Describe what effect the Marketing Coordinator’s behavior could have on staff performance on the campus.

c.How do you think the Marketing Coordinator should have acted/communicated? Mention two points.

.You are going to meet with the Marketing Coordinator to discuss the situation. Identify two positive ways to respond to the Marketing Coordinator’s behavior, to de-escalate the conflict.

e.Describe how you would model positive leadership and emotionally aware behavior. Mention any two points.

Case Study 2 Cultural misunderstanding

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, AWS is updating its computer systems to be able to launch online learning.

This project is to be completed on an urgent basis. All staff are working very hard on the project. The IT coordinator has received complaints from some IT staff that Wei, an IT Support Officer who is a new migrant from China has not been 'pulling his weight' and not doing his share of work, or showing interest in being an active team member.

They have complained that Wei does not say much in meetings and never contributes ideas or suggestions. The IT Coordinator decides to have a one-on-one meeting with Wei.

The following is a transcript of their conversation.IT Coordinator:

Wei, I've noticed that you hardly ever say anything in our team meetings and I'm a bit concerned that you might be feeling left out. I also feel that we might not be getting the benefit of your ideas or experience. Some of the other team members have also commented to me about this.

Wei: I'm sorry to be a problem.

IT Coordinator: It's not a major problem and I'm very happy with your work. I'd just like to make sure all team members feel part of the team and can have a say. How do you feel about team meetings?

Wei: Well, I find it hard to say anything because I can't seem to find a chance to talk, and it's not my style to jump in and cut other people off as some people do. It's not polite.

IT Coordinator: Yes, our meetings can be pretty lively, especially now that we are trying to get the online learning platform up quickly.

Wei: After the first couple of meetings I decided it was best to be quiet and go along with the others. After all, I'm the newcomer.

IT Coordinator: But you're still a member of the team. Are there any other problems? Is English a problem? Wei: Well, Aussie English is sometimes hard to understand - all the slang and jokes. But the main problem is that I'm a newcomer and I'm just a junior employee. Most team members have many more years of experience than I do, and in China, we don't like to put ourselves forward or question our leaders and seniors.IT Coordinator: Well, I'd really like to encourage you to join in and speak up. What can I do to help you do that? Wei: I'm more comfortable speaking if I'm asked to speak. IT Coordinator: So would you like me to just ask you what you think or if you've got anything to say? Wei: Yes please, that would be good! Thank you.

IT Coordinator: But what if you wanted to say something and I've forgotten to ask you?

Wei: Maybe we could have a signal.

IT Coordinator: Oh yes, a lot of people make signals in meetings, like leaning forward a bit, raising their pens, or making eye contact with the person running the meeting.

Wei: Yes, I could do that.

IT Coordinator: Okay, let's do it that way. I'll try to make sure I ask you what you think and, at other times you just signal me with your pen if you want to speak, okay?

Wei: Okay, but I'm still new to this style of meeting so please give me time to get used to it.

IT Coordinator: I will. And just let me know how it's working for you. And you can always talk to me outside the meetings.

Wei: What’s “Pitch in”?

IT Coordinator: That's Aussie for having your say, and helping out.

Wei: No worries

a.Mention two reasons for the misinterpretation of cultural behaviors and beliefs in this case.

b.Identify two techniques the IT Coordinator has applied in this situation to demonstrate flexibility and adaptability in dealing with Wei

c.Describe how you would explain to Wei how his cultural expressions might have been misinterpreted in this case. Mention at least two points.

d.Develop the outline of a plan for yourself and your team to identify and respond appropriately to a range of cultural expressions of emotions.

e.List two ways how you would promote effective communication to avoid misunderstandings.

f.Identify seven ways to encourage the self-management of emotions in your team members.

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