Delivering Customer Value (BM009-3-2)

Individual Assessment: One Written Report (60%)

The assessment for this module is a critical evaluation of the identified topic in the form of an academic report.

Test Specification Table

CLO1 Analyse the different facets of value held by customers and how such understanding can affect the strategy of companies in approaching their target markets (C4, PL01) Final Examination

Describe the different philosophical thinking governing business and marketing behaviours in the process of delivering customer value (A1, PL08)

Individual Assignment
CLO3 Identify the effects of contemporary management practices and utilisation of new technologies on the capability of businesses to deliver customer value (A4,PL07) Individual Assignment

Individual Assignment (60%):

Question No. Question Vs Taxonomy
Affective Level
Topic 1 2 3 4 5 6 PLO
1 Describe the different philosophical thinking governing business and marketing behaviours in the process of delivering customer value 50% 8
2 Identify the effects of contemporary management practices and utilisation of new technologies on the capability of businesses to deliver customer value 50% 7
Total 50% 50%


  1. Analyse the different facets of value held by customers and how such understanding can affect the strategic of companies in approaching their target markets.
  1. Understand and evaluate the different philosophical thinking governing business and marketing behaviours on the process of delivering customer value.
  1. Analyse and evaluate the effects of implementation of contemporary management practices and utilisation of new technologies on the capability of businesses to deliver customer value.


This assignment represents 60% of the total marks for this module; the assessment is worth 100%. The assignment is on individual basis with word counts should not be more than 3500 words. You need to attach a softcopy of your answer in CD format together with your written assignment when making your submission at the designated date.


In today’s highly competitive business environment, managing customer relationships and effectively interacting with your customers are critical to an organisation’s success. By enhancing the customer experience, organizations can develop a strong relationship between the customer and the organisation.0

You are required to select any organisation from below and analyse how it delivers superior value to customers, conducts its relationship marketing strategies and ultimately builds its customer loyalty base. You are then to suggest recommendations to improve the relationship marketing strategies.

  1. a) Automobile Industry
  2. b) Entertainment Industry
  3. c) Cosmetics Industry
  4. d) Hotel Industry
  5. e) Banking and Finance Industry
  6. f) Pharmaceutical Industry


Executive Summary:

250 words and this does not form part of the assignment word count. In the executive summary content, summarise the introduction (why you write this report), the body (the analysis carried out and findings/outcomes) and the close (the impact and recommendations for improvement).

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Table of Contents


State the objectives and scope of analysis of the report.

  1. Brief description of the Company:

Company analysis:

  • Describe the history, achievements and focus of the company.
  • The organization's market segment, current market position and how well it has positioned itself in the marketplace.
  • Discuss the company’s objectives. There should be three objectives using the SMART format.
  1. Analysis of customer relationship marketing strategies and link it to some theoretical elements.
  • Discuss the three core types of values that the company delivers in terms of operational efficiency, product leadership (the best product), or customer intimacy. How well are the core values positioned to the firm’s value proposition? Note that these values should be linked to the objectives.
  • The processes used to convert potential customers to profitable loyal advocates

(application of the 4 tier customer pyramid) and how well the company functions in

prioritising on customer satisfaction and loyalty. (Students should include customer

loyalty / satisfaction frameworks here).

  • Analyse to which extent the company has benefited from the application of Customer Relationship Management (CRM tools) to build and enhance its customer relationships and profitability.
  1. Conclusion and Recommendation:
  • What are the major findings of your analyses on the organisation's relationship marketing? What are the current or past shortcomings or gaps that are evident in the organisation? Suggest THREE (3) ways to overcome the shortcomings highlighted in your analysis and improvements on the organisation's relationship marketing strategies.

The assignment must adhere to standard academic documentation standards. (Failure to do so will result in loss of marks in the Format, Citations and References criterion.)

  • You are to write the citations and references following the Harvard System.
  • You are required to use Times New Roman as the font type and 12 pts as the font size.
  • Vertical/line spacing should be 1.5line spacing.
  • You are required to provide page numbers to your pages.
  • You must use enough of your own words to convince that you understand what you are writing. Evidence of originality in your writing reflected by effort of paraphrasing and use of own personal expression in your individual analysis and evaluation.
  • You may include diagrams, figures, tables etc. without word penalty.
  • A sliding scale of penalties for excess length will be imposed according to the amount by which the limit has been exceeded. Your word count must be indicated on your cover page.
Word Count Penalty
2,000 – 2,200 words No penalty
2,201 – 2,400words 10% penalty
2,401 – 2,600 words 20% penalty
2,601and above Marks will be capped at a pass e.g. 50 marks

Additional Information


  • Due to the limitation of the word count, you may be required to choose specific areas of focus if you find the scope for your answer is too wide.
  • You are encouraged (but not limited) to use the electronic database such as Emerald, Proquest, IEEE and ACM
  • Other relevant and recommended sources are:
  1. The Economist,,
  2. Bloomberg Business Week,
  3. Social Science Research Network,
  4. Fastcompany,

Marks Allocation


The assignment will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Criteria No. Item Marks Allocation (%) Score
1 Executive Summary 5  


Company Analysis & Objectives



Analysis of Customer Relationship Marketing Strategies

i. THREE (3) core types of value

ii. Application of the 4 tier customer pyramid

iii. CRM tools





Conclusion & Recommendation

Findings of analysis, current or past shortcomings or gaps and 3 ways to overcome the shortcomings.


5 Overall Quality– Include format, citations, referencing and good use of language to show clarity in writing with minimal spelling and grammatical errors.


Total Marks 100


Marking Guidance:

Marks are awarded based on the following guidelines:

Banding Assessment Guidelines
0 - 40% Superficial analysis, concepts and language of the subject are absent or scant. Irrelevant regurgitation of text book. Ideas are poorly expressed. Many key issues are ignored. Concepts and language of the subject are used but are often confused in application and or explanation.
40 - 49% Superficial analysis, concepts and language of the subject are absent or minimal. Few learning outcomes have been met. Irrelevant regurgitation of text book. Ideas are poorly expressed. Many key issues are ignored. Concepts and language of the subject are used but are often confused in application and or explanation.
50 - 54%
Some understanding of the relevant models and concepts. Some elements of an appropriate structure are present. Restricted analysis of some issues.
55 - 64% Evidence of some reading and research. Incorrect referencing although it is evident. Some elements of an appropriate structure are present. Key issues are analysed but not done thoroughly.
65 - 69% Evidence of reading and research. Understanding of the application of appropriate models and concepts is demonstrated, but not thoroughly. Key issues are identified and analysed, although this may be restricted at times. Some sources are acknowledged.
70 - 74% Evidence of reading and research. Understanding of the application of appropriate models and concepts is demonstrated. Key issues are identified and analysed, although this may not be consistent. References are acknowledged.
75 - 79% Evidence of wider reading. The assignment effectively interprets the information and exhibits the integration of ideas across the subject area. The assignment has credible recommendations. A systematic approach to development and evaluation is used. Most sources are acknowledged and referenced using Harvard Name System of Referencing.
>=80% Arguments are clear and convincing. Confident integration of theory and practices is demonstrated. Consistent referencing to sources using the Harvard Name System of Referencing.

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