EEC1107 Assessment 2 Planning for Micro-Teaching
Education for STEM
Lesson objectives:
• Children can describe and classify the elements of different type of weather (sunny, cloudy, rainy, freezing, hot, cold, warm, and windy).
• Children observe and evaluate the elements of different type of weather and analyse similarities and differences.
• Children can arrange and collect data of different type of weather condition.
Learning intention:
Today we will learn four elements of weather and how the weather is changing at different time and different location.
Success criteria:
• I can design the concept to be comprehensible to the learner.
• I adapt their education to the need of the learner.
• I provide activities that help the learner develop initiative and creativity.
• I can describe the concept in a simple way to link it to science.
Victorian Primary Science Curriculum with Specific Victorian Primary descriptor:
• Science is about exploring the world around me (VCSSU031)
• The weather and time of day effect events and clothing choices (VCSSU034)
• Actively observe, explore and manipulate (VCSIS037)
• Use picture, words and provided simple graphic organisers to record observation and finding and sort objects into groups based on particular characteristics (VCSIS038)
• Use words to answer simple questions about observations and finding (VCSIS039)
• Use both general terms and simple, scientific vocabulary to begin to describe their activities and observation (VCSIS040)
• People use science in their daily lives (VCSSU041)
• Everyday materials can be physically changed or combined with other materials in a variety of ways for particular purposes (VCSSU045)
• Observable changes occur in the sky and landscape; daily and seasonal changes effect everyday life (VCSSU046)
• Participate in guided investigation, including making observation using the sense, to explore and answer question (VCSIS051)
Big Idea in science (4): The energy of sun change weather experience.
The sun is the main source of energy for the Earth and changes in solar activity can greatly affect the climate.
Briefly describe how you will capture student interest in the concept or skill that needs to be learnt:
The teacher guides children to outdoor and starts the lesson with activate children’s prior knowledge such as why do you wear a jacket today? Why your hair is moving? What does make the sound in the trees? Why surface is wet today? Then, the teacher asks them to be observing the environment around themselves to know-how is the weather and does any condition happen around them today? (VCSSU031). The teacher provides some images and poster about four seasons to children (VCSIS038). Encourage children to perform body movement along with it. When the teacher displays the summer, shake hands in front of face as a fan, when displays winter rub hands together. Afterwards, explain to the children the weather will change all the time. It will affect on the environment and what we wear and do. This relates to (VCSSU034).
List the question students will ask themselves after the engagement activity?
• Why weather is important for us?
• How is the weather today?
• Why we wear a jacket today?
List the pros of my approach:
The display images and posters provide an opportunity for the learner to observing and questioning and help
learner to recognize different type of weather. During the lesson, learners can seek and speak about the weather phenomenon. It will assistance them to deeper their science knowledge and understanding skill. This practice involves learners and improve the quality of confidence for them. As statement (VCAA 2020) learning and development outcome: ‘children are confident and involved learner.'
List the cons of my approach:
This approach doesn’t express about temperature means.
Describe the alignment of your learning activity to the Curriculum and appropriate Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) standard:
This learning activity related to (VCSSU046) noticeable changes in the atmosphere of the sky and on the surface of the Earth that are conducive to weather change. Standard 2.1 (AITSL 2020)- content and teaching strategies of teaching area. It provides a better understanding of well-being. This learning activity support interaction with the key concept of the development of ‘children have a strong sense of well-being (VCAA 2020).
How dose integration to STEM help students learn the key scientific concept associated with the learning activity/ develop a skill better?
Mathematic-in STEM- the learners will understand climate- related concept such as how to track temperature (cold, hot) and use weather – related concepts in math problems. For example, learners can use temperature tool for measuring the weather in their room.
Briefly describe the hand-on and minds – on experimental activities through which your students explore the concept or skill that needs to be learnt:
Students are divided into two groups. one group measure the temperature cold weather and other group measure the temperature hot weather. The teacher for supporting the claim provides some equipment such some water, some ice, two jars, hot weather and two thermometers. The teacher encourages them to do an experiment together then record their observation of the experiment. This relates to (VCSIS037).
List the dependant, independent and variable for the experimental activity that will presented:
The temperature of each jar is dependent on the materials in the jar. The independent is the number on temperature and the amount of ice and how much the water is hot are variable.
Lis “Big Idea” conceptual question the teacher will use to encourage and or focus student’s exploration:
1. Dose hot water freeze faster than cold water? 2. What happen to the environment in hot weather and cold weather? 3. What happen to ice if we put it in the hot weather area?
List the pros of my approach:
This is hand-on and fun way science experiment. It provides opportunities for learners to develop fine motor skill, increase new weather vocabulary and help learners to discover and recognize about temperature and exploration. As well as encourage learners to find observation and focus on evidence about the experiment. It is a greater way to develop communication skill to express their thoughts. As statement (VCAA 2020) ‘Children are effective communicators.
List the cons of my approach:
This activity has some hazard (hot water) for learners.
Describe alignment of your learning activity to the appropriate Australian Institute for teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) standard:
This relates to (VCSIS051)- engage and perform learners to analyse evidence to discover, search and answer a question. Standard 4.4 (AITSL 2020)- maintain student safety. Teacher set up a safe environment for learners to use facilities during the lesson. For example, the teacher must always to be present as a learning activity. This activity help learners to improve performance and involved in learning activity as a key component (VCAA 2020).
How does integration to STEM help students learn the key scientific concept associated with the learning activity/develop a skill better?
Science in STEM- It can help learners understand that some events in nature have a recurring pattern. It is also acquiring the knowledge needed. This activity reminds that science is about exploring the world around me.
what techniques will the teacher use to help students connect their exploration to the concept under examination?
The teacher explains how weather will affect our choice of clothes (VCSSU034). The teacher uses a wait time technique ask some question, waits three or seven -second time for learners to think about the questions. The teacher allows learners to put their hands up to respond to them. Learners can speak and share their knowledge to class (ThoughtCO 2020).
List the higher order thinking questions the teacher will use to solicit student explanation and help them justify their explanation.
Lis the pros of my approach:
Exploration and research require learners to come up with new thought. It helps them to learn and think differently. It provides opportunities to develop their language and thinking. Encourage them to share idea, involve and respect to the classroom (naeyc 2020).
List the cons of my approach:
Only a few children answer the question. Teacher need to know of the learners’ expectation when performing
the waiting time. Learners who take competitive and high-level courses and may be used to asking quick and easy question may not benefits from waiting time at first.
Describe the alignment of your learning activity to the curriculum and appropriate Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) standard:
How does integration to STEM help students learn the key scientific concept associated with the leering activity:
Engineering in STEM- solving problem
How will students develop a deeper understanding of the concept by connecting/applying what they have learned to their daily lives Learners will experiment another thing about weather. It is moving materials by wind.
What vocabulary will be interduce and how will it connect student’s observation and their daily lives:
List the pros of my approach:
List the cons of my approach:
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