Entrepreneurship And Innovation in Emerging Economies Assessment Answers

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Emerging Economies Entrepreneurship Profile

  1. Discuss why these markets are EE based on criteria discussed in the class with supporting evidence
  2. Critically analyse and discuss the ENT in the two EE with supporting evidence
  3. Critically analyse and discuss the quality of institutions in the two EE in relation to ENT with supporting evidence and theories

1.Critically analyse why these emerging markets are considered as emerging markets

2.Evidence to support your argument

3.Secondary data to support your argument.


  1. Discuss why these markets are EE based on criteria discussed in the class with supporting evidence

1.Critically analyse the level of entrepreneurial activities in the two emerging economies

2.The type of entrepreneurship in each country and why

3.Evidence and secondary data to support your argument.

  1. Critically analyse and discuss the ENT in the two EE with supporting evidence

1.Critically analyse insitutions in the two EE in relation to EE

2.Applications of theories discussed in the class

3.Secondary data to support your argument.


  1. Critically analyse and discuss the quality of institutions in the two EE in relation to ENT with supporting evidence and theories

***South Korea is not eligible for this coursework

Assessment – How to achieve good mark

  • Knowledge and Understanding:
  • Excellent knowledge and understanding should be presented through clear evidence of wide range of reading (beyond the standard text book and lectures)
  • Applications of theories and use of literature
  • Excellent use of sources and theories and key concepts.
  • Wide range of issues identified and discussed in a critical way.
  • Use of examples
  • Use of evidence:
  • Wide range of evidence (secondary data) presented throughout the work.
  • Critical analysis:
  • Critical analysis of the collected evidence that goes beyond the descriptive nature of the data.

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