Experimental Marketing & Consumer Relations Assignment Sample
The market functioning of a business has been greatly related to the relationship that a company and its stakeholders are going through. Here, the stakeholders mainly imply the consumers or the customers of an organization. This kind of innovative functioning has been intriguing in business procedures since the development of the concept of business in the global sector. These kinds of attitudes of the business firms are incremented as their ethical contributions towards the business sectors and the most important stakeholder of the business that is the consumers of the customers. This kind of relationship with the customers or the consumers is known as Experiential Marketing (Gwenzi et al. 2015). Experiential marketing also known as engagement marketing is fulfilled by the gain of the trust and the faith of the consumers on the product that is produced by a business. Here, Experiential marketing aims to develop a concept of providing services to consumers through products. Experiential marketing therefore is aimed at encouraging the consumers with the experience of the services of their products before actually conducting the purchase.
Therefore, the study in this paper is developed through producing an understanding of the practical example of the concept of Experiential marketing in the business. Therefore, the relevance of the functioning with the implementation of such a concept has been shown through the depiction of the project “Charity Water”. The assignment is, therefore, liable to have a brief discussion on the concussions of such acts of the business. The brief discussion will also include the development of an argument regarding the results of such policies of the organizations in the market sector. As the study will lead, it will also produce a discussion of the implications of such acts on the industrial, market as well as social sectors.
Charity Water is a not-for-profit organization that is headquartered in New York City, United States. The functions of the organization mainly relied on working towards the provision of safe and clean drinking water supply to the citizens of the developing nations. This organization being a non-profit organization has focused on the development of functioning in the market structure with the target market consisting of a huge population. The objective of the organization has not been dedicated to the development of a fruitful relationship with the target consumers of the organization (Smilansky, 2017). Here, the term consumer is not defined as any entity that provides the organization with a monetary deal or financial return on the investment of the organization to develop the services. Hence, the operations of Charity Water have been categorized under the concept of Experiential Marketing. The aim of the organization is not therefore, to raise financial functioning from this kind of structure but to raise the recognition in the market through carrying awareness regarding various societal issues in each nook and corner of the communities in all the developing nations of the world. The reliance on the framework has been developed by putting a large number of media into use since its birth in the year 2006. Media usage is increased through involvement in both the mainstream as well as social media platforms. Therefore, the development of the functioning in the market sector for this kind of function of Charity Water has included the development of the implementation of modern techniques and technologies (Katrine and Harini, 2018). The spreading of awareness has been put into use to develop certain aspects of society such as food and hygiene, safety, and awareness for the development of society. Hence, the involvement of producing activities that would not provide the organization with any financial return is conducted by the not-for-profit organization Charity Water. Therefore, the conduction of events has to be invested with a lump sum amount of money that is considered as the investment in these events. Such events are known as free events the success of which is not measured by financial return but by moral and satisfactory return. Hence, the concept of Experiential Marketing is one of the best methods to develop these kinds of functioning where this kind of marketing is used as a marketing tool to have enhancement in the propagation of the brand name of the organization (Lanier Jr and Hampton, 2016). Thus, the development of a positive name for the organization is important to be developed under the concept of Experiential Marketing that has been conducted by the not-for-profit organization that is Charity Water.
The operation of the organization, Charity Water has been supported by several donations by various large firms in various markets and industries. The organization has a present finding capacity to support about 24,537 projects in about 24 countries all over the world. Therefore, the financial fund that has been acquired by the organization is liable to develop an effective functioning in the market among the target audience to develop awareness regarding their scheduled concepts. This kind of operations of a few of the organizations like Charity Water can also be highlighted through the production of the links between of philanthropic operations of different profit organizations (Shobeiri et al 2014). The organization has received donations from a large number of firms such as Google. The organization has provided a grant of about 5 million dollars to Charity Water. Besides, a large number of firms as well as individuals have developed the functions of providing donations to the organization. About 300,000 individuals had developed the preliminary donations for the organization. Therefore, the perspectives of such functioning in the market structure have introduced the development of such individualistic approaches under the consequences of developing eminent services to the society without providing any service to be bought by the consumers and sold by the business.
Pedagogical Aim:
Such function of the organization that is Charity Water has been developed with the aspects that have introduced certain incremental steps to deduce the functioning of the organization to provide it certain value for the results of such aspects. Therefore, some laureates and professionals in business analysis have argued over the stances of functioning through acting with the deliverables of Experiential Marketing by Charity Water to develop a good relationship and rapport with the consumers or the target market/audience that they decide to reach through the development of the functioning of the organization. In a review that was published in the year of 2012, Experiential Marketing was concluded to be one organization that stands out in terms of operations. Therefore, the evaluation of the programs and the functioning of the organization have been done through a different method that has been different to the development of the affectivity of the functions of the organization (Lim et al. 2014). Therefore, a separate approach has been put into consideration to ensure that there are perspectives on the functioning. These activities and operations have brought various additional stature to the increment of the livelihood and fulfillment of the aims of the organization to bring about the involvement of a large audience that is in the case of Charity Water the people of the developing nations. Several areas are to be critically taken into consideration in terms of developing the impacts of the functioning in various grounds and various directions. One such developmental functioning of the organization is likely to be put into the stances to ensure that there is transparency in the functioning of the organization.
Development of certain critiques has coincided with the incidents of functioning of the aspects that can be included under the stances to instill an effective integration as well as evaluation of the success of the organization that is Charity Water. According to the arguments functions or the operations of Charity Water have been given various kinds of exposure. For example, many of the positive as well as negative outcomes of the functioning of Charity Water have been highlighted in various articles and blogs. Such arguments have categorized the process of evaluating their return on income through the development of the humanitarian impact of the events that are held and highlighted by Charity Water to reach each of the individuals living in the developing countries. The arguments have also stated the concerns that lie in the functioning of Charity Water as in the indication of the quantitative results of the conduction of the operations of the organization (Cho et al. 2015). On the other hand, questions have been raised about the transparency that is mostly required to establish the success of Charity Water it being a not-for-profit organization. Therefore, the stances of the accessibility of clean and safe drinking water to the people are accounted for in the development of the perspectives in the 12 years of functioning of Charity Water. However, Charity Navigator has rated Charity Water with 4 out of 4 stars and identified it among the highest-rated stars. Choose 'Assignment Help' for more.
Cho, E., Fiore, A.M. and Russell, D.W., 2015. Validation of a fashion brand image scale capturing cognitive, sensory, and affective associations: Testing its role in an extended brand equity model. Psychology & Marketing, 32(1), pp.28-48.
Gwenzi, W., Dunjana, N., Pisa, C., Tauro, T. and Nyamadzawo, G., 2015. Water quality and public health risks associated with roof rainwater harvesting systems for potable supply: Review and perspectives. Sustainability of Water Quality and Ecology, 6, pp.107-118.
Lanier Jr, C.D. and Hampton, R.D., 2016. Experiential marketing: understanding the logic of memorable customer experiences. In Memorable Customer Experiences (pp. 29-44). Routledge.
Lim, S., Chae, H. and Jeon, H., 2014. The Effect of Experience Marketing on Brand Attitude and Brand Loyalty of Beauty Salon Franchise Stores. Fashion business, 18(5), pp.42-55.
Shobeiri, S., Mazaheri, E. and Laroche, M., 2014. Improving customer website involvement through experiential marketing. The Service Industries Journal, 34(11), pp.885-900.
Smilansky, S., 2017. Experiential marketing: A practical guide to interactive brand experiences. Kogan Page Publishers.
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