GSB011 International Business Assignment Answers
Assessment Task 3: Country-based Business Opportunity Report
Task Description This Report follows on from Assessment 2. It therefore should be consistent with the findings of the previous paper. The Country-based Business Opportunity Report aims to integrate your learning from the course and to test your ability to apply it to your current and future work. To cater to students with different employment backgrounds and career aspirations, there are two options to choose from, but the general requirements are the same. Either: Select an organization that intends to expand its operations into a specific country or: Identify a business opportunity involving a specific country as a major market, manufacturing base or source of supply. Your report should describe and justify the proposal. It should include: A description of the proposed expansion or new business opportunity An analysis of the business environment, and business and management practices of the country concerned, using tools and material covered in the course; and Recommendations of specific actions to implement the expansion or new business plan, with justifications based on relevant tools and concepts acquired in this course. In keeping with common business practice, an Executive Summary should form the first page of the report, listing in brief your main findings and recommendations. Bullet points may be used. Information that was not directly relevant to the main text of the report, eg organizational charts, mission statements, and so on, can be attached at the end as appendices. Please obtain approval from the organization(s) concerned to collect relevant information through interviews and document analysis. Students are advised to include the following information:
The company / new business: Company name and current location (a pseudonym may be used if appropriate) Industry, nature of business carried out Form of ownership - e.g., publicly listed, family owned Nationality - e.g., Australian owned Number of employees currently employed
The country has chosen a general description - e.g., name, geographical location, political system, stages of economic development Key issues which may influence the proposed expansion or new business initiative, including. The status of the country in the international trading and financial systems
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GSB011 International Business: Unit Guide
The country has chosen: General description - eg, name, geographical location, political system, stages of economic development Key issues which may influence the proposed expansion or new business initiative, including:
- The status of the country in the international trading and financial systems
- Opportunities and risks offered •
- Internationalization potential of the company/new venture concerned
- People issues in the country concerned Specific actions to implement the new international expansion/business initiative: Nature of the expansion/business initiatives - eg, business objectives, ownership, industry clustering Resources needed from home and host countries, and strategies to obtain them, eg financial facilities, raw materials, labor supply, technology International business strategy, and structure- eg, strategy to be pursued, the structure of the local operation, relationship with a parent company or headquarters Management policies and practices Finance for the new international expansion/business initiative Activity schedule - action with specific time frame
Assessment Format: This assessment should be submitted in report format with an assessment cover sheet, title page, executive summary, table of contents, introduction, body with relevant headings, conclusion, list of references and appendices (if required).
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