HSW313 Student Role Play Practices

Peer Feedback Sheet on HSW313 student role play practices Date:
Use of overall critical social work approach, critical theory, principles, PCS and process orientations
Name of student practicing critical social work:
Name of social work student providing feedback on critical social work:
Overall critical social work approach Please tick those observed
PCS analysis efforts to empower service user person-centred philosophy egalitarian value system
Evidence of being connected to, or informed by, critical theories -Please tick those observed
Feminist Anti-racist Critical- constructionist Indigenous Marxist
Post-colonial Anti-colonial Post-structuralist Post-modernist
Evidence of 8 social justice practice principles Please tick those observed
Be transparent Learn from the location and views of those most affected
Listen ethically and work with individuals, families and communities to help them connect with, or to access, needed resources and to negotiate problematic situations
Require no more of those subject to the structural violence of poverty than is required of yourself and others
Explore regulatory ideologies, policies and practices for how their organisation of normality might impact workers and service users
Use responses inspired by feminist critical psychology to witness, explore and alleviate the psychic effects of structural violence
Work individually and collectively to lobby managers, organisations and funders to change discriminatory and oppressive discourses and institutional work processes
Join with others inside and outside the organisation to strengthen the collective voices demanding change
CCCCRUMDD: Critical social work process-orientations-please tick which are evident in role play
Clear contracting use of discretion deviant social work expanding boundaries
Critical questioning deconstruction reflectivity reflexivity
Cultural humility
Culturally friendly attitude
Resisting witnessing validating
Research policy analysis advocacy
Universalising individualising externalising
Mutual consciousness-raising
Deep, respectful, ethical listening stillness
Dialogical praxis
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Feedback on where, how was observed (what question, what response, what posture, what use of skill play)
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What was good?
What could be improved/how?
Feedback Suggestions
Try to
• Start positive
• Comment on specific aspects
• Move to areas to be improved
• No criticism without recommendation
• Be specific
• Always offer alternatives
• Begin with “…..I wonder if you had tried” ,“….perhaps you could have…..” “…sometimes it might be ..helpful….”
• Distinguish between the intention and the effect of a comment or behaviour
• Distinguish between the person and the performance (“what you said sounded judgmental” –rather than “You are judgmental”)
Try not to
• Forget the person’s emotional response
• Criticise without recommending
• Comment on personal attributes (that can’t be changed)
• Generalise
• Be dishonestly kind – if there was room for improvement be specific and explore alternative approaches
• Forget that your feedback says as much about you as about the person it is directed to
Receiving feedback
• Listen to it (rather than prepare your response/defence)
• Ask for it to be repeated if you didn’t hear it clearly
• Assume it is constructive until proven otherwise; then consider and use those elements that are constructive
• Pause and think before responding
• Ask for clarification and examples if statements are unclear or unsupported
• Accept it positively (for consideration) rather than dismissively (for selfprotection)
• Ask for suggestions of ways you might modify or change your behaviour – opportunity to rehearse
• Respect and thank the person giving feedback
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