Identify and Communicate Trends in Career Development
Task 1— Research Project
This assessment task requires you to conduct research to identify and communicate career trends. You will need to interact professionally with others in assessing career needs, to effectively assist clients identify competencies they require for a career and employability in a given context. It also examines how to maintain quality of career development services and professional practice.
Specifically, you will develop a research paper that will:
- research and analyse current economic, labour market, employment, career and vocational, educational and training trends
- identify choices and career development needs for individuals and target groups within a given context
- report and document management of research and career development materials
- comply with all relevant local, state/territory and national legislation, policies and practices.
In order to conduct the research in context, the research must be conducted with reference to a specific workplace and specific target group within that organisation. Your research may include:
- ■ evaluations of existing products
- focus groups
- informal discussions
- Internet research
- interviews
- literature reviews
- Professional communication mechanisms such as physical and electronic journals, professional newsletters, peer networks, subscriptions
- Questionairs
- ■ workshops
and in your examination of the workplace processes and approach to career development, you should identify relevant worker 'and employer issues and these may include:
- awards
- certified agreements
- contract work and self-employment
- enterprise bargaining
- occupational health and safety
- terms and conditions
- unions •
work choices ‘../. Taking into account major changes and trends in careers development encompassing local and global causes relating to:
- economic
- political
- social
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