Prejudice at the Workplace Case Study Assignment Samples

Pedagogical Aim and Expectations:

The pedagogical aim of this research work is to identify the prejudice that is prevailing in the business world. From the article, we learn that there exists an irrelevant prejudice in business organizations that has led to discrimination against black people, women, and other minorities. The mindset of the people is to keep white people on the highest rank. This misperception has led to issues, distrust, and problems in the organization. We are therefore required to encourage the philosophy of “treating people as you would have them treat you’. This philosophy is regarded to be instilled in the business process so that discrimination with different among based on caste, color, or creed can be curbed. The expectation from the research work is to develop alertness among the people so that they can learn to treat all employees equally. On the other hand, those suffering from discrimination need to confront the instances of prejudicial discrimination. This way attempts from both sides are required to end the discrimination. That is the people who are discriminating and the people who are discriminated against should change their mindset and support the idea of equality of people.

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Understanding and managing prejudice in organizations

Different ways are suggested in this research work that could help in understanding and managing prejudice in organizations. The management of prejudice can be done by managing own anger. This is the person who is facing the issues of prejudice should learn to manage anger so that he can convince others not any discriminate. The explosive anger on the spot could lead to aggression and a further rise in problems. Therefore there is no point and benefit in showcasing anger. On the other hand, businesses should focus on the talk and behavior of the areas of competence. Therefore the basis of discrimination should not be caste, color, or creed but the performance outcome. This way the outperformer should be entitled to various fringe benefits and recognition. This would help in encouraging other employees to follow in their footsteps and make efforts towards achieving target goals and objectives for the organization. Also, the high-level management should showcase a high level of tolerance towards all its employees. Preferences or favoritism should be avoided. Instead, efforts should be made to concentrate on the performance outcome. That is if the performance outcome is high or above estimate then that employee irrespective of his caste, color, or creed should be promoted and given a chance to showcase his enhanced ability in the upper-level management of the organization (Wijbenga & Van, 2007).

Prejudice can also be avoided in institutions. This will require offering general reminders in the meetings so that the people can be reminded of the various functionally relevant dimensions. This way the concentration should be made on getting the desired output from the organization rather than counting the number of minorities. It should be therefore clear to the people that the organization's output is not dependent on the determinants like persons’ background, religion, caste, color, or creed. Better outcomes can be achieved by recognizing people working in the organization as an employees just like others. therefore discrimination in handling business situations should be avoided. If an employee is not working well then his effectiveness should not be compared with his background. Instead, these people should be recognized as an efficient employees meeting their target goals and objectives. The discrimination made on this basis will lead to further complications and problems in the organization. Therefore to avoid such instances and achieve a synergy effect from the joint efforts of the employees there should be no discrimination based on religion, caste, color, or creed. Discrimination should be made between the efficiency of different employees. The employees who work better will be given extra benefits and bonuses while others will be expected to follow in their footsteps.

The business organization also needs to deliver clear statements in public and private so that their sayings are not misunderstood and no confusion or problem should apply in the same business place. If the recognition is required to be made then it should be made on the parameters of performance output and gains. The people showcasing high performance should be recognized and promoted, while others can be sent for training, education, and development programs where they can improve their skills and abilities to achieve a marked level of output (Brown, 2007)

How our values, attitudes, and behaviors are formed?

Our values are formed by the teachings and thoughts of our elders. Our elders in the form of relatives, school teachers, and others would affect our mindset. This way they could instill bad or good values, attitudes, and behavior. The good values would include better behavior with the company employees showcasing no discrimination. Effective high-level management therefore could help in selecting our values. Their decision will be considered as a guideline for the other employees. Therefore efforts would be made to develop a tolerant attitude toward other employees so that they could give back the desired level of output and gains (Banker et al., 2011).

Our attitude towards others is affected by the mindset about that person and the personal thoughts of the other person. Therefore the mindset needs to be changed so that more and more customers can avail the benefit from the business process. The true target of the business is earning a profit, therefore making prejudice in the workplace will only result in dissatisfaction, low growth, and other problems for the organization.

The behavior of the people is affected by the day-to-day changes in the business process. That is the best behavior will be to align the efforts of the employees towards the achievement of target values and outcomes (Banihashemi et al., 2017).

Therefore the need of the hour is to develop effective grievance procedures that could help in listening to the plight of the people and the issues that they have faced from the business process of the organization. This can be attained by developing an effective feedback system that ensures taking suggestions and problems in writing from the employees.


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