Sample MBA Marketing Management Assignment


The purpose of the assessment is to describe the marketing strategies of Tesco UK. The discussion is based on the marketing mix structure and the strategies for gaining a competitive advantage in a global market. The study will focus on commoditization factors for gaining sales revenue in the market. The assessment will also carry the segmentation process of Tesco for defining the marketing strategies of the company. In the year 2017, the sales revenue of Tesco UK was about £ 55.8 billion, and the operating income was more than £1,280 million in the same year.

Marketing Mix

Elements Activities
  • Design and technology
  • Value for the customers
  • Maintaining product quality
  • Brand
  • Guaranteed service
  • Problem-solving
  • usability
  • Sales revenue
  • Cost-plus
  • Product Value
  • Low price
  • Skimming price
  • Penetrative pricing
  • Internet
  • Local-export
  • Wholesaler
  • Provides special kinds of offers to the customer
  • Gift and coupons
  • User testing
  • Advertising
  • Online Marketing
Physical evidence
  • Clean
  • Attractive
  • Providing navigation to all the products
  • Keeping customer happy
  • Speed billing service
  • Competent staff
  • Excellent sales assistant
  • Loyal workers
  • Providing privilege card to the customer

Tables for Marketing Mix


From the above factor, it can be said that the low price products have helped to develop the effective relationship with the customers. To gain a large customer base, the company follows online marketing strategies to define the marketing strategies for performing several activities (Hutchinson et al. 2015). Tesco UK is a British multinational grocery and general retailer. It is the third largest retailer sector in the world that is already measured appropriately by viewing their gross revenue from the analysis, it can be said that Tesco has the biggest advantage as it offers low-priced products during the festive seasons. The gross revenue of the company is around £1,280 million. Therefore, it can be said that different social platforms like Facebook, and Instagram have provided added value to Tesco UK to communicate their products with the external and the internal stakeholders by defining the brand image.

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Competitive Advantage

To gain a competitive advantage in the market, the company follows the cost leadership strategies and thus, it has been found that the organization has managed to gain economies of scale. Different kinds of experiments have been followed by the company to define the business strategies to thrive best in the supermarket. Tesco has been found to gain a certain amount of competitive advantage by being the first retailer to introduce a 24-hour shopping experience along with this Tesco UK has defined campaigning activities for delivering a very good business function. The competitive advantage of Tesco UK is mainly related to the extent of innovation in terms of defining the pricing strategies along with defining the strategies of the competitors. The major motto of the organization is observed to be delivering a wide variety of products concerning the health and safety of the consumer and providing low-rate products to the customers in comparison to other rivals present in the marketplaces. The minimum price range of the product is starting at 8 Euro. As per the analysis, more than 2 million customers mainly are associated with the organization regularly to buy the products from both offline and online modes (Gillespie and Riddle, 2015).

Therefore, to gain a competitive advantage in the market, some sets of initiatives are well-developed by the company
  • Having the availability of the resources, price selectivity factor, and enhanced service
  • Undertaking a well-defined program for maintaining financial discipline and enhancing the structure of the organization
  • Launching some brand new programs of renewal to regain the trust in gaining a competitive advantage in the market
Tesco is going to reduce the debt volume and increase the rate for gaining profit and achieving competitive advantages including
  • Reducing the amount of capital expenditure
  • Defining benefit pension scheme for all employees
  • Having their own Tesco Broadband to enhance the customer
  • Review the property portfolio of Tesco in a well-defined manner


Maintaining Standardization

The strongest growth has been noticed in the last seven years in the organization that has developed the effective principle for maintaining the standardization for gaining the market share. E-marketing services are very useful websites, banners, and email help to build productive relationships with customers. In the year 2017, the sales revenue of Tesco UK was about £ 55.8 billion and this was extraordinary for Tesco to increase their business strategy.

Customer Experience

The customer service process at Tesco is effective as it offers very good customer service as a wide range of customer grievances be solved within 24 hours. If any of the customers are not satisfied with the products then, the help desk team of Tesco is liable to return the money for those defective products (Bahl and Chandra, 2018).

Competitive Imitation

Tesco is going to develop a separate brand to match with the German discounters. As per the analysis, it has been found that the retailers have hired advisers from the Boston consulting group to work on pricing strategies to attract a large number of customers (Jenkins and Williamson, 2015).


Segmentation Factors Target customer
  • Region


UK and other 13 countries

Rural and urban

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Income
  • Occupation
  • Education
  • Social status

All ages, male and female, low and middle-income

Students, employees, and professionals

  • Lifestyle
  • Personality
Traditionalists and contended conformers
  • Occasions
  • Status
  • Attitude
regular, active users with a positive attitude

Table Segmentation



From the assignment, it can be concluded that Tesco has effective strategies for gaining a competitive advantage in the market. Effective leadership management is aimed at the growth and development of the company. The company also provides effective training to the employees so that it will provide a good quality of service to the customers for maximizing revenue. Find more at 'Assignment Help'.

References (2018). TESCO UK.

Available at: [accessed 11/09/2018]

Bahl, S. and Chandra, T., 2018. Impact of Marketing Mix on Consumer Attitude and Purchase Intention towards' Green ' Products. A Journal of Research articles in management science and allied areas (refereed), 11(1), pp.1-11.

Gillespie, K. and Riddle, L., 2015. Global marketing. Routledge.

Hutchinson, K., Donnell, L.V., Gilmore, A. and Reid, A., 2015. Loyalty card adoption in SME retailers: the impact upon marketing management. European Journal of Marketing, 49(3/4), pp.467-490.

Jenkins, W. and Williamson, D., 2015. Strategic management and business analysis. Routledge

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