UCSB7104 - Sustainable Energy-Interim Assignment
UCSB7104 - Sustainable Energy
The Interim assignment is required to be submitted to OnlineCampus. This interim assignment will not be graded, and it will only cover topics covered in the first three units – we suggest by that time you should have roughly a 2000-word paper. This interim assignment is comprised of three mandatory questions:
- Analyze the main outcomes of COP21 Paris.
- Explain whether COP21 Paris should be considered, or not, the starting point for new sustainability policies/actions.
- Research in the literature articles related to the financial incentives existing for sustainability measures in any sector and any country. Provide links to 4-5 articles and reference them using the Harvard format.
- Discuss the emergence of fracking technologies in the world.
For citing, use the Harvard format. It will be mandatory to use this format for the final assignment, so you may as well use it for the interim assignment. I recommend to use this: https://www.citethisforme.com/
You can also use: http://cit.fer.hr/public/lib/harvard%20quick%20guide.pdf
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