Workforce Planning Project Assessment Task
Task Summary This assessment task requires you to prepare a briefing report to inform workforce training for King Edward VII College, as well as develop a workforce plan. You will be required to discuss these documents at a meeting with the CEO of the College (your assessor)
What do students need to complete this assessment?
■ Computer and Microsoft Office • Access to the internet for research ■ Access to King Edward VII College Strategic & Operational Plan and workforce information • Workforce action plan template • Access to a meeting space and role play participant (assessor)
When and where do students need to do this?
This assessment task will be completed in the classroom as part of the simulated work environment. Write in the date as advised by your assessor:
What do students have to submit?
- Briefing report • Workforce Plan/
What if students get something wrong?
If your assessor sees that you did not complete the task satisfactorily, they will give you feedback about the tasks you have not completed satisfactorily and a timeline for resubmission.
Instructions to students
King Edward VII College has been operating for 5 years. The College is based in Melbourne CBD and offers a range of courses in management, marketing, human resources and international business and currently has around has around 500 students enrolled across all of its courses. The College is very popular due to its competitive pricing structure, innovative teaching methods and state-of-the-art facilities.
Due to the success of the College, the College plans to establish two additional campuses, one in Brisbane and one in Sydney. The Brisbane campus will commence in October 2015 and Sydney in early 2016. Campus locations are already in place with the process being - overseen • • been mainly by the
CEO and Finance Manager No staff have been employed as yet but rt rs antiClP, you_ campus will require a receptionist, and student services officer and ated that each is completed by existing staff at the Sydney campus until student numbers be up to 50 substantially you statically It is anticipated that maximum student numbers at the new campuses 4 trainers_ All otter s staff nc,reabs: students per campus. The College currently employs 24 staff members including the CEO a Marketing Manager Marketing Assistant, Human Resources Manager, and Finance Manager. Administration Manager. UM'. Assistant. Receptionist, Academic Manager, Student Services Officer and approximately 14 trainers’ Further details regarding the above staff will be provided to you by your assessor in a workforce information table and that also shows staff turnover statistics. As the Human Resources Manager you have been asked by the CEO to develop a workforce Plan for King Edward VII College for the upcoming two years. The CEO considers that this is particularly important given the company's expansion plans and because of the importance of workforce planning in general. He is also concerned about the staff turnover rate for trainers (see the workforce information table provided to you) and has asked you to look at this more closely and develop strategies to address this
The workforce plan should address workforce needs for the current Melbourne campus, as well as the two new campuses. You will also be provided with King Edward VII College's Strategic Plan that sets out its strategic objectives, as well as operational priorities. Ensure you review the Plan in detail so you understand the organization's objectives and goals and use that in your development of the workforce plan In developing the plan, the CEO also requires you to assess the following: • How diverse is the current workforce of King Edward VII College with regards to age. genOer. culture? • What are the organisation's requirements for a diverse workforce as reflected in its strategic objectives What factors affect current workforce supply — specifically for the education sector for King Edward VII College? You should research and identify factors that apply including current economic conditions, education industry trends, skills and labor shortages, as well as overall unemployment rates.
. What is the current staff turnover rate? What issues are present with the turnover rate?
Complete the following activities: 1.Review the scenario information and the Strategic Plan and workforce information documents.
2. Identify a source of information that you can use to research workforce supply in the education sector as per the scenario information and as indicated below.
- Analyse and research the following using the scenario information, the workforce information provided to you and information sources you have identified: How diverse is the current workforce of King Edward VII College with regard to age, gender, and culture?
UNetti'' the pro ivci.,,,z, t ta,e, too.,r,., animation's requirements for a diverse workforce as reflected in 'ts strategic '9I , ourrent workforce supply - specifically for the education sector for King f fa 0 h ,, current ebucat on industry trends, skills and labour shortages s well as overall including current '''''an'd sicsbr----..., zi" f art drneessealEl of the above Your report should be no morreepthoa,n17 eeting With the CEO(non(your assessor),addresses English. You will be required to speak to this staff turnover rate? What issues present with the tumover rate? S' When you have completed r beefingre on, use the information from the briefing report to de■iej2E, Y°111- Wer"Orce Plan using YoureautemplateproPvided by Your assess' in Your Workforce plan you should do t objectives based on the coin an 's overall strategic Objectives and orierational priorities as documented in the Strategic and Operational Plan The ves should be Use the section i RT object Ives supported by key performance indicators. Should u n the workforce plan to document see this to document key issues key issues (both current and future) and you arising from your research and analysis above. S. In your plan you will need to address as a minimum: • Strategies that can be used to address the high staff turnover about trainers • Strategies for retaining skilled labor • Strategies to build workforce diversity and cross-cultural management • Strategies for sourcing skilled labour both about the new and existing campuses. • Strategies to address contingencies. The strategies you develop should also factor in the scenario where skilled ra oib-irri-, Eriificult to find for the new campuses: %------- - 6. Pont off copies of your briefing report and workforce plan to provide to your assessor at the meeting (note your assessor will advise you of the meeting time and place). 7. Participate in a meeting with the CEO (role-played by your assessor to discuss your report and workforce plan. Email your plan and briefing report to the CEO (your assessor). Your email should seek agreement and support for the objectives and proposed performance indicators. 8. During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including: o Asking questions to identify required information 0 Responding to questions as required o Using active listening techniques to confirm information
- The CEO (your assessor) will provide feedback on your plan, which you should incorporate into your plan and send to your assessor following the meeting.
After the meeting, update your plan and email it to your assessor, confirming support for the workforce plan. You should also attach a copy of the briefing report. Your assessor will email you to confirm support and approval to proceed to the next assessment.