We as a No.1 Assignment Help, grown-up p company, always endeavor to protect, preserve and safeguard the data of the customers and never share the project details with any third parties. This is what we do with our clients’ data:

  • Protect the data in a password encrypted folders and files
  • Never share the details of the projects to any third person or third parties
  • May disclose the details to the third party to the court or legal authorities, if the situation goes beyond our control.
  • Never share the credit/debit or other card details of the clients to others, and we have outsourced payments to one of the reputed payment processors.
  • Never indulge in fraudulent or criminal activities or deliberately share the data with others.

We follow data protection policy, code of conducts and other terms and conditions sincerely and do our services with utmost good faith. Customers will be happy with our data protection policies and rules and regulations that are framed by our executives. Our No1AssignmentHelp.Com uses our software for checking plagiarism, grammar and errors for safety and security policies and never share any details about our projects to vendors or third parties. We have installed malware, spyware and other anti-virus software and monitor the activities professionally. We will take strict actions when our writers or a staff tries to steal data and sell them to others.