NURS401-Nursing Assignment Questions and Answers
WINTEC Diploma of Enrolled
Assessment Purpose:
To enable students to identify and discuss relevant legislation, ethical principles, standards and codes about health care delivery and health consumer, family/whanau care.
Assessment Instructions:
Scenario: Sonia works as an Enrolled Nurse (EN) in a busy doctor’s practice. The Registered Nurse (RN) has delegated Sonia to assess the vital signs for Mrs Johnson who has dementia and is a known high falls risk. Her daughter Judith is present with Mrs Johnson.
Sonia does not introduce herself to either Mrs Johnson or Judith and commences taking vital signs without explanation or asking permission. During the assessment Mrs Johnson asks to go to the toilet. Sonia states “I don’t have time to take you at the moment”. She documents Mrs Johnson’s information and leaves it open on the reception counter after handing over to the RN in the reception area. Sonia notices Judith trying to help Mrs Johnson to the toilet. Mrs Johnson appears to have been incontinent of urine.
Having read the scenario:
1. Identify three rights from the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights (1996) that have not been met.
2. Describe how these three rights have not been met.
3. Identify one breach of the Privacy Act (1993) and discuss how Sonia could have avoided this breach.
4. Identify two ethical principles from the NZNO Code of Ethics (2010) and discuss how these ethical principles would have guided Sonia to meet Mrs Johnson’s rights.
Assignment Instructions
• Review the marking criteria supplied to guide you in your writing. Your assignment is marked on content and structure.
• Please review your Enrolled Nurse handbook for assignment writing skills, page 42 onwards. This clearly outlines what is required, including layout, font, introduction, main body and conclusion.
• It is a requirement that you will provide a reference list with all reference material used in your assignment. This is required to be in APA 6th Edition format. Eg:
HDC Code of Health and Disability Consumers’ Services Regulations 1986. Retrieved from
• A resource is available from the Wintec Library on APA referencing.
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